Dry type chemical molecular filter
.Designed specifically for gas phase pollution problems;
.Modular design, you can add or remove modules at will;
.Adjust the module in real time according to your different processing quotas.
Activated carbon bag filter City Flo
● The Activated carbon bag filter City Flo filter utilizes a highly effective broad spectrum carbon media layer to ensure removal of a very wide range of airborne chemicals.
Box Type V-bank Chemical Activated Carbon Air Filters
Filter media can be selected to remove odor
Galvanized box type frame, filled with honeycomb activated carbon
Low resistance
Chemical gas-phase cylindrical filters cassette
FafCarb CG cylinders are thin-bed, loose-fill filters. They provide optimum removal of moderate concentrations of molecular contamination from supply, recirculation, and exhaust air applications. FafCarb cylinders are noted for their extremely low leakage rates.
FafCarb CG cylindrical filters are engineered to provide the highest level of performance in Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), comfort and light-duty process applications. They utilize a high weight of adsorbent per unit airflow with only moderate pressure loss.
Chemical gas-phase filters cassette with activated carbon
FafCarb VG Vee cell air filters are thin-bed, loose-filled products. They provide efficient removal of acidic or corrosive molecular contamination in outdoor air and recirculation air applications.
FafCarb VG300 and VG440 Vee cell modules are engineered for high performance in process applications, especially those that require preventing corrosion of electrical control equipment.
VG modules are manufactured from engineering-grade plastic with welded assembly. They can be filled with a wide range of molecular filtration media to provide broad-spectrum or targeted adsorption of contaminants. Model VG300 in particular, utilizes a high weight of adsorbent per unit airflow.
V-Bank Air Filter with Activated Carbon Layer
The FafCarb range is perfect for indoor air quality (IAQ) applications that require the efficient control of both particulate matter and molecular contamination using a single compact air filter.
FafCarb air filters contain two distinct layers of pleated media formed into panels that are held in a robust injection molded frame. They operate with Rapid Adsorption Dynamics (RAD), which ensures high removal efficiency of multiple low to moderate concentrations of contaminants found in urban buildings. A large media area ensures high efficiency, long life, and low pressure drop. Filters are readily mounted in standard 12” deep air handling unit frames and are built with a jointless gasket on the header to ensure leak-free operation.
V Type Chemical Activated Carbon Air Filters
The FafSorb HC filter is designed for the effective removal of common indoor and outdoor gaseous contaminants at high airflows, to help mitigate Indoor Air Quality problems. The FafSorb HC filter is suitable for retrofit into existing HVAC systems and for specification in new construction. It can be used in equipment designed for 12″-deep, single header filters.
Plate Type Activated Carbon Filter
● The plate type activated carbon filter is a type of filter that uses activated carbon to remove impurities and unpleasant odors from the air.
● A plate type activated carbon filter is a type of air filtration system that uses activated carbon plates to remove pollutants and impurities from the air.
● Plate type activated carbon filters work by adsorbing pollutants onto the surface of activated carbon plates. As air passes through the filter, impurities are trapped on the surface of the plates, leaving clean air to pass through.
● Plate type activated carbon filters can remove a range of pollutants, including dust, smoke, odors, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).