PINCAPORC expressed concern about the outbreak of porcine blue ear disease (PRRS) and the engineering situation in pig farms.
PRRS can lead to reproductive disorders in sows and serious respiratory diseases in piglets, which is a serious infectious disease of pigs affecting economic benefits.
The annual loss caused by blue-ear disease of pigs in the United States reached 644 million dollars.
A recent study found that the European pig industry lost nearly 1.5 billion euros annually due to the disease.
To study cases and potential solutions, they visited Grand Farm in Minnesota, USA, which is using FAF air filtration solution.

After investigation, they contacted FAF and other suppliers to introduce the relevant scheme of intake air filtration.
The reason why the FAF solution is more excellent is based on the following reasons:

After extensive research, FAF has developed a specific filtration scheme for this pathogen protection application:
PINCAPORC is worried about the outbreak of PRRS. The engineering solution of FAF involves the development of a complete double-sided welded structure to ensure that there will be no air leakage.
It has been tested and used for a long time in the United States.
Project details
The farm has 6 breeding areas and 1 office area:
Each building has different aeration requirements and design.
Each design is developed based on air filtration requirements.
For example, there are four welded stainless steel structures in the fattening area, with a total of 90 pathogen protection L9 filters, and the maximum design air volume is 94500 m ³/ h.
These structures are TIG welded at their edges to ensure the tightness of installation.
Each structure is equipped with a sealing system for the pathogen protection pre-filter, which is convenient for installation and subsequent maintenance.

Post time: Mar-13-2023